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Truth Shall Set YOU Free

"31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32 (NIV)

Focus on the bold text! We have heard it many times in our lives, yet we are all captured by our fears, insecurities, and what not! In simple words, we are not free, because we did not seek the TRUTH! Don't worry, I am here to decode this for you. And after reading this article, you will find the greatest deeper meaning this verse holds, and your perspective on Life will be changed!

Let's look at the 31st verse, "To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples."

Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching..". What did he teach us? The answer that pops right into my head is LOVE. He taught love and through this, he taught us mercy, kindness, patience, and forgiveness. He represented the Love of God. His teachings reflected the Love of God! And his death proved the Love of God!

So, when you hold to his teaching, you will be his disciples and then you will know "the truth". What is this truth?


Hey! The truth is that your father in heaven, who created the whole universe, who made you with his own hands, who made everything perfect, whose commands can stop or start anything, and who is eternal, everlasting, and all-powerful, LOVES YOU!

The most powerful God loves you, that he did not hesitate to sacrifice his own son for your sins! And through this love, he shows you mercy, kindness, patience, and forgiveness.

He is merciful to you, when you are stuck in your sins! He is kind enough to provide you with your needs. He is very patient, waiting for you to turn to him. And finally, he forgives all your sins, and doesn't even hold account for your sins. Once forgiven, you are all new, as if those sins never happened!

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18 (NIV)

If you are still engulfed in your guilts, it builds up fear! But when you know the power of his perfect love, you look forward, getting rid of your guilt, driving out your fear, and you no longer expect punishment!

Are you worried about your health, money, job, or relationships? Do you not know that Jesus, who is in control of everything, loves you? When he loves you so much, why would he allow bad things happen to you? He knows your needs, he teaches you his ways, and he will in his time, provide you with everything.

He cares for you so much and you don't have to worry about anything! Be merciful as he is, be kind as he was with you, be patient while you wait on him, remembering how he was patient while you lost your way! Forgive as he forgave you! And lastly, love everyone, like he loved you!

And knowing that the God of the entire universe has so much Love for you, don't you think you are just freaking out without any reason? We all live in an illusion of fear and guilt, while the most wonderful things about his LOVE await us! Just shake it off! Don't live in an illusion! Seek the truth - his LOVE. And the very thought will really set your heart free, free like a bird! You don't have to worry about anything any longer. Everything is in control of the father who loves you. So, just relax, and hold on to his teachings! Be free! You deserve it! :)

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